


我一直被问到这个问题, many of our clients wrongly assume that there would be an excess of candidates available right now.

不幸的是,情况并非如此,至少在Digital平台上并非如此 & 技术无论如何, so I thought I’d take a moment to explain what’s been happening in the market over the last few months and why nearly every company I speak to is struggling to engage with talent. I’ll also explain a bit about what we’re doing to overcome these challenges.


我认为首先重要的是要理解数字 & 科技行业并没有受到疫情的严重影响. 在大多数情况下, it’s been fairly resilient to the external factors and some in cases benefiting from the situation.

越来越多的人的生活离不开网络, 从购物到预约医生, 从体育课到变焦派对, 以及我们适应生活的其他方式. The North West has fared well in fact in December last year there were 35% more roles advertised across the region than pre- pandemic (compared to 伦敦 which was still 19% behind).

There has not been huge numbers of redundancies in our sector in the first place, 虽然大多数企业确实有一段时间停止招聘, 他们习惯了远程工作, 以及他们如何远程采访和登机. Hiring then quickly started again and those candidates who had been made redundant were snapped up.


So those who HAD to find a new job have done so by now and the candidates who normally would be looking to move to progress their careers, or are unhappy with their current situation and want a change aren’t now, 但是为什么? 我会试着解释几个原因.

There’s a perceived risk in moving at the moment, “better the devil you know” I hear bandied about. People don’t want to leave a secure job to move somewhere that’s unknown to them, 如果事情不顺利,他们会不会是后进先出?

直到最近,很多人都在家上学, the thought of having to find a new role and go through an interview process, 在你做全职工作的时候, and be a teacher to your kids is an extra burden people don’t want.

Then there’s the fear of accepting a role where you’ve never met anyone personally and never set foot inside the office. Adding to this, the unfamiliar situation of starting a new role remotely. So, with the end now in sight a lot of people are choosing to wait it out.

最后, 还有天气, while it’s sunny outside at the moment it’s been a particularly grey and grim few months. With the new lockdown and the general monotony and daily grind of it all, it’s not surprising that people aren’t the most positive about the future and putting effort into furthering their careers.

A lot of these reasons are unfounded and while now is a great time to move jobs for many reasons, 这并不能改变人们的看法和恐惧.

但并非一切都完了. 隧道的尽头有一线希望, 我们有一个安全撤离计划, the vaccine rollout seems to be going well and the sun is coming back out. 每周都有越来越多的人公开讨论他们的未来, 但没有快速解决办法, and to a certain extent we need to wait until candidate confidence returns.

但我们并没有袖手旁观, we’ve managed to continue to find talent for our clients by adapting to the current situation. We’re placing more and more effort into speaking to our existing network of candidates and selling the reasons why they should move and why joining our clients is a safe bet. 所以随着常态的回归, 如果你打算招聘,请随时与我们联系, our team are more than happy to assist you in finding the best candidates.

So hopefully you understand a little more about why you’re struggling to engage with talent. 你并不孤单, this is an industry-wide problem that was here before the pandemic with demand outstripping supply and covid amplified it. 当我们恢复正常时,市场将会好转, but itwon’t fix the inherent shortage of skilled talent across the industry, 然而, that’s anotherconversation altogether and a much bigger problem to solve.

Rob Sugden is Director for ECOM Recruitment’s 十大网博靠谱平台 office, he’s been recruiting Tech & Digital talent in the North West for 17 years and is always interested in discussing the market and sharing his insights and advice.


