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MIQ Monthly Debrief with Rob Sugden

Hi, I'm Rob. I'm Managing Director for ECOM. 我们是十大网博靠谱平台的一家数字招聘公司,也是更广泛的InterQuest集团的一部分.

On a monthly basis, we release our MIQ reports, which is an in-depth look at the talent market across the UK. 它包含了大量非常有趣的数据、见解和对正在发生的事情的评论. So, 我们刚刚发布了三月版本的MIQ,所以今天想分享一些关键的见解和发现.

你知道,在经济衰退的时候,人们总会发现自己处于充满挑战和不幸的境地. 然而, if you look into the data and actually speak to people in the market, 是的, while there are pockets of redundancies, of freezing of growth, there's still a lot of real positivity in the market at the moment.

So, 如果我们特别关注十大网博靠谱平台和西北的数字和科技市场, 我们仍然看到对经济增长的信心水平更高,因为到1月份为止,经济增长了8个百分点. Just under 50% confidence. This is actually the highest anywhere in the UK.

近年来,我们确实看到十大网博靠谱平台成长为一个主要的科技和数字中心, not just in the UK but for the whole of Europe. 我们的城市有1600多家初创企业和规模扩大企业,数字和科技行业雇佣了60多名员工,000 individuals.

仅去年一年,十大网博靠谱平台科技公司就筹集了价值5.3亿英镑的外部投资. 这比去年宣布的许多其他欧洲主要城市增长了50%. 我们已经看到许多主要的国际企业确实致力于将十大网博靠谱平台作为一个卓越的中心,在增长方面谈论了一些相当大的数字.

Personally, I don't see this year being hugely different. 我想我们会看到一些十大网博靠谱平台的大数字公司放慢脚步, 但这些公司在过去两年里雇佣了相当积极的员工,他们是为了增长而雇佣的.

随着增长放缓,他们现在的员工数量还不错,他们将放慢招聘计划. 但也有很多新企业搬到这座城市,或者令人兴奋的规模扩张,初创公司将继续发展壮大,为这座城市的科技行业提供动力.

From previous experience of working through economic downturns, 我预计今年的趋势之一是,合同制和临时招聘将更加突出,公司仍将有项目需要完成. 是否仍然需要投资更新系统和技术,但可能会冻结一般人员配置.

有些人可能会寻找一种临时资源来填补这个空缺,直到他们有能力雇佣烫发员工. And looking at the data, 求职者市场仍然充满信心,74%的人考虑在明年换工作,这是主要的激励因素.

We're looking to move on, still remain salary and compensation as the biggest motivator, 除了灵活的工作方式,工作的灵活性在榜单上的排名一年比一年高.
软件工程和开发角色仍然是最难填补的, 不仅在十大网博靠谱平台,在整个英国,数字和技术领域,以及紧随其后的DevOps和平台职位,我们看到了对这方面需求的真正增长.

There's no denying that 2023 will be more difficult than 2022. 但正如我之前所说,2022年是一个巨大的增长和非常积极的市场. This year companies will still grow, will still hire, and if you're looking to hire talent yourself, you will still be able to find that talent, 但要找到最优秀的人才可能比去年更难了. 如果你想聘用最优秀的人才,我能给你什么建议?

More people might say it's not all about money. Ultimately, you've got to have the right salary enough for the right package, 否则, you're not even going to get a look in. So first and foremost, make sure that your compensation is right. 

Then on par with the market, 确保你在在家工作和灵活的工作时间方面提供适当的灵活性. You don't need to offer fully remote. 事实上, actually the companies, some of the companies we have the most success of, the ones that have a hybrid model.

But make sure that you can offer what your candidates are looking for. 对人们为什么愿意为你工作有一个清晰的理解. What is it that's interesting and exciting about your opportunity? Is it what you're doing? Is it the technology that you're working on? Is it the story behind where you're going to an organisation? 

Understand what makes you unique, what makes you stand out from your competitors, 并围绕你的故事来推销你是谁以及为什么人们应该为你工作.

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